WELCOME to the Emerald City HISTORY HUNT !!!
(See www.ThreeDragonsAcademy.com (TDA) main site if you're looking to learn more about the program & kids that created this educational art installation)!
(See www.ThreeDragonsAcademy.com (TDA) main site if you're looking to learn more about the program & kids that created this educational art installation)!

The HISTORY HUNT is an exploration through Seattle’s timeline. Designed as a full day, or multi-day, family field trip. Using art, architecture, parks and people, the students have traveled through time to create this hunt.
1). Read Clue #1; Figure out the location/area, and go there
2). Using the clues, find the poster in the solved locations
3). There, look at the student art, read the student captions, and learn something new about this part of our city!
4). Look around for some of the art or architecture showcased by the student art on the poster
5). At the Bottom of the poster, read the location of the next clue, and go there!
6). Repeat - through Clue # 8.
The CHEAT SHEET gives you ALL the needed info, including exact locations, where to park, where you might find bathrooms, etc.
Recommended (Parents):
Read the Cheat Sheet yourself, so you can plan your field trip; but read only the CLUES to your children. Give as many hints as they need to keep the day successful and fun, and to keep everyone excited about learning.
Whatever you decide, we hope this adventure is a blast because History Matters, Learning is Fun, and Knowledge is Power!
Enjoy the hunt!
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Looking for More info about TDA and this project? See the Q&A, below.
Ready to get started on the History Hunt? Go to Clue 1! Or, head straight to the Cheat Sheet, go HERE.
Project Q&A:
Q: What is this? How did it come to be?
A: This History Hunt is a group project by the students of TDA, the culmination of their history and art studies during their their few days of class this month. It's both an exploration of certain points of civic history as well as a tour of public art.
The HISTORY HUNT is intended as experiential learning: a fun field trip any family can take, and not only see some great parts of our city & visit public art, but also enjoy the art made by our students and perhaps learn a little bit from them, too!
Q: What is TDA?
A: TDA stands for Three Dragons Academy. Looking for details? Better answered by this website (www.ThreeDragonsAcademy.com/faqs); the short version is 'a part-time arts academy with a unique approach'.
Q: How did the kids learn about these parts of the city and all that public art?
A: We covered a lot in class, and at a breakneck pace! Learning about music and art of Seattle was our focus all month! [Day 1 alone was all about the 8000+ years of civilizations that populated the Puget Sound area before United States settlers started arriving a mere ~150 years ago!]. It's a help that TDA's Artist-Educators are all working professionals in the arts, too! The kids additionally learned about several local music acts & artists (Quincy Jones, Jimi Hendrix, The Ventures), and learned to sing Ivar Haglund's "Acre's of Clams" folk song, as well 'The Presidents of the United States' rock song, "Volcano"! :)
Q: The students made all the featured poster art?
A: Yes! And quite a lot of other pieces too - we couldn't fit it all! Bear in mind, we've been working together as a cohort since September (and more than half our students are 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th years), so they've been honing their craft individually and as a team for a while, which was a big factor in enabling their success!
Q: Why are there only 8 stops - i.e. Why didn't you include my favorite historical site, __x__ ?
A: a). While we have two class sessions , of no more than 15 kids each, each class session only had 6 days this month in which to complete the project, so we had to make some incredibly hard choices & edits.
b). We also limited ourselves to an 8 stop History Hunt so it'd be a more manageable, do-it-in-one-day sized field trip for our students (as well as any of their younger siblings)!
That said, we do include a lot of links to how you can LEARN MORE at several of the timeline stops! So while it's one Timeline, there are a lot of side branches you might explore on your own!
Q: Wait, did you say 6 days?
A: Yup; TDA meets just 2 days a week - we're an arts-enrichment program that's part-time and focused on proven alternative education methods for 'K-5' kids. Minus our Spring Break earlier this month, the kids just had 3 weeks to complete the project, or a total of 6 days. More specifically, they completed this project in 12-18 hours (because we have daily theatre games, music lessons, and an hour&half of outside time/lunch/recess, the actual time set aside for project worktime each day is 2 to 3 hours). They really have some great teamwork skills!!
Q: What art media did the kids use?
A: A variety: sculpting clay, photography, pencils, pastels, inks, watercolor, papercraft collage, origami, acrylic paints, & mixed media artworks too!
Q: So TDA does a different theme each month?
A: Yes - we ALWAYS keep changing it up, and never re-visit a theme until at least 3 years have gone by! 10 different themes each year, and over 45 different themes over the years! Every month is fresh and new for our students!
Q: What other projects do these TDA kids do?
A: So many examples!! Build 12 foot tall models of T-Rex's, create our own low-power FM radio station, produce an entire musical from scratch, host an episode of our own take on Mythbusters, transform our classroom into Da Vinci's workshop,... the sky's the limit!
Our curriculum is more about nurturing Confidence, Creativity and Curiosity, than any traditional academics, and we use Music, Art, and Theatre as our main throughlines in small projects as well as large! Please see www.ThreeDragonsAcademy.com for examples of our projects and to learn more!

Apply to join TDA and be part of our education innovation!
TDA was just voted for ParentMap's 2019 Golden Teddy Award as one of the TOP 5 Arts Classes/Camps in the Seattle area! Interest for the 2 day/week school-age arts program is higher than ever, and enrollment space can quickly become limited!
Apply online at www.ThreeDragonsAcademy.com/
TDA was just voted for ParentMap's 2019 Golden Teddy Award as one of the TOP 5 Arts Classes/Camps in the Seattle area! Interest for the 2 day/week school-age arts program is higher than ever, and enrollment space can quickly become limited!
Apply online at www.ThreeDragonsAcademy.com/